
You're probably wondering what the hell you've read so far on this blog. Well, these posts are a unique form of short fiction that are written in exactly 55 words. Why only 55 words? I'm glad you asked.

I like to create lean stories. The action has to move quickly, but if it's got a lot of fat on it, that makes it pretty difficult. Sure, it's lovely in novels where you can sit back and take in all of the scenery, but that's not what I'm about, at least not here anyway. Fifty-five words makes for a brief reading experience, but due to the constraints of the format, each and every word is packed with meaning. Every sentence in these stories carries the weight of the world on its shoulders. These stories may be light as a feather, but they're loud as a cannon.

I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I enjoy writing. Thanks for stopping by.


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